One of the most treasured moments of my ministry as a bishop is to preside over ordinations to the priesthood. Tomorrow is one such day, when by the laying on of my hands and the prayer of priestly consecration, this local Church will welcome into the priesthood of Jesus Christ three men who heard the call of the Holy Spirit and said yes to a life of grace.
A priest’s ordination arrives after years of discernment of God’s will, spiritual formation, theological education, pastoral training, and faithful prayer. During the Rite of Ordination, I will ask the candidates several questions about their resolve to carry out the ministry of presbyter. Their promises of obedience to me and my successors and to a life of celibacy is founded on the priesthood of Jesus himself, who was obedient to the Father in his Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
For me personally, one of the most powerful elements of the rite underscores the spiritual relationship between a bishop and his priest when the candidate places his hands in the hands of his bishop. This movement, a sign of respect and obedience, demonstrates a priest’s share in the ministry of the diocesan bishop.
Ordination Day is like no other in the life of a priest and with each ordination I am reminded of my call to the priesthood and the profound gift of serving our Lord and his People. Join me in prayer as we welcome Deacons Sam Bass, Jakob Hurlimann and Fernando Ricaud to the priesthood. May the loving protection of the Blessed Mary, Mother of Priests, sustain them as they now begin their ordained ministry of teaching, sanctifying, and serving.
Event Information:Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priesthood
With great joy and thanksgiving, Bishop Joe Vásquez will ordain Deacons Samuel Bass, Jakob Hurlimann and Fernando Ricaud to the priesthood June 11 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Austin.
The Mass will also be ASL interpreted and live-streamed.