Strong parishes becoming vibrant communities of faith is central to the mission of Jesus and to our lives of discipleship. In a sense, the entire campaign effort is for our parishes and the growth of faith in each community. At the same time, one of the primary objectives of the campaign is to strengthen parishes in unison with the diocesan effort, to help meet local parish needs. Each parish will raise funds for its own identified specific needs. These include building expansion, repairs and renovations, parish endowments, debt relief, or a base of funding for parish ministries.
Ensuring vibrant parish life is a substantial component of the campaign. To help meet future needs, 30 percent of the funds raised by parishioners will be returned to local parishes. When complete, approximately $22.5 million from the campaign will return directly to parishes. Individual parishes will get to decide how best to use these resources.
If you have any questions about your parish rebate, please contact Scott Whitaker at (512) 949-2441 or Sheila Kuehn at (512) 949-2435.
Please use the DIAL withdrawal request form to request a withdrawal for your parish rebate. Deposits are made to the parish accounts three months after a gift is received to allow for reconciliation of donor gifts with bank statements.