The Life-Giving Wounds retreat is a three-day retreat for young adults and adults with divorced or separated parents. It invites participants to move through the broken image of love that appeared to them in their parent’s relationship to their deepest identity found in God. The retreat gives participants a greater understanding of the wound of divorce and how it affects their lives, offers advice about the difficulties concerning love and trust of others, and explains how the Catholic faith, spiritual practices, and the Sacraments are essential to self-knowledge and healing. This retreat has something for any adult child of divorce or separation, no matter how much healing you have already received or need.
Topics covered include:
Finding Our Deepest Identity
Faith and Our Relationship with God
Love, Dating, and the Sacrament of Marriage
Anger and Anxiety
False Guilt and Shame
Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Family Boundaries
The Christian Meaning of Suffering
Healing and the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist