Let us not be afraid to use the final days of this Lenten season to contemplate our own life, as well as our death, and resurrection to eternal life. Let us thank Jesus for dying for each one of us so that we may share all eternity with Him.
Let us spend time daily reading the Gospel and meditating on all the Lord wants us to know about Him and the relationship to which He calls us. And we can ponder the great gift of Baptism and how we can encourage others to have faith in Jesus.
Suggested missionary action: We can live the Gospel by sharing the blessings God has given us with our sisters and brothers in need. Our support for the Church’s missions around the world will assist those in spiritual and material want.
As we go through the days of Lent, let us remember that Jesus, too, was tempted. But for the love of His people, He obeyed the will of our Father. Let us also be obedient, for the sake of our merciful God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
On this first day of Lent, let us decide on some special ways to honor God and come to a greater understanding of the Passion of Christ. We can also make a genuine effort to help neighbors in need at home and in the Missions during this season.